The Human Cost of “Gun Control” Ideas


Why must all decent non-violent people fight against “gun control”? Why is the right to keep and bear arms truly a fundamental individual right?

The message is simple: Disarmed people are neither free nor safe – they become the criminals’ prey and the tyrants’ playthings. 

When the civilians are defenseless and their government goes bad, however, thousands and millions of innocents die.

Professor R.J. Rummel, author of the monumental book Death by Government, said: “Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth.” For power to concentrate and become dangerous, the citizens must be disarmed.

What disarms the citizens? The idea of “gun control.” It’s the idea that only the government has the right to possess firearms, and that citizens have no unalienable right to use force to defend against aggression.

Death by Gun Control carefully examines the “gun control” idea: its meaning, its purposes, its effects. It comes in many forms, but in every form it enables the evildoers and works against righteous defense.


Death by “Gun Control”

by Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens

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