“If You Take It, You Will Not Get Sick.” — Pierre Kory on Ivermectin

Pierre Kory Ivermectin Cover

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Pierre Kory

Dr. Pierre Kory came into the public eye in May when he implored before the senate the use of corticosteroids in critical care for COVID-19, and his proposal turned out to be live-saving for many patients. On December 8, he appeared as a witness before the senate again. Taking part in the hearing called “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution”, he presented a new treatment protocol called I-MASK+ and the use of repurposed drug ivermectin, which the FLCCC Alliance has been tirelessly researching.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, that Dr. Kory is the president of, was initially formed as a working group under emergency conditions. Their founding members include professors, pulmonary and critical care specialists, and physicians, who dedicate their time to the nonprofit cause of repurposing efficacious drugs rather than focusing on costly and lengthy processes of developing new drugs and vaccines.

Dr. Pierre Kory is board-certified in critical medicine, pulmonary diseases, and internal medicine. He has worked closely with critical COVID-19 patients across the US throughout the pandemic. He is the chief of the critical care service and medical director of the trauma and life support center at the University of Wisconsin. 

Dr. Paul Marik, who Dr. Kory calls the group’s “intellectual leader”, is endowed professor of medicine and chief of the division of pulmonary and crucial care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

This is the scientific manuscript that Dr. Kory referred to in the Senate hearing.


I compiled very recent clips of Pierre Kory (including his Senate Testimony) talking about Ivermectin as an extremely cheap and effective prophylactic drug, into the twenty-minute video above.

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Transcript of Clips

Each separate clip is time-stamped below.

NEWS HOST ➝ 00:00

Yeah, your exact words during your testimony were, “I can’t keep doing this.” You’re talking about a drug, repurposed drugs in particular, and one that could have a miraculous impact on not just treating, but preventing COVID-19.


Our group, again, we have come to the conclusion after reviewing months of data that have all come out in last few months, this is all new data. We never believed that ivermectin was the answer. We thought it might be early on because there was some theoretical rationale that it might work.

But what we uncovered in the last three months is nothing but repeated studies in trial showing phenomenal effectiveness in multiple areas, not only in prevention, but early and late treatment.

And the most, the most overwhelming data is in the prevention of transmission of COVID-19. If you are on ivermectin, the studies and their randomized control trials, large and well done show, if you’re taking ivermectin, you will not contract COVID-19. I repeat. If you are taking ivermectin, you will not contract COVID-19.


You know, I’m in the healthcare system, I’ve worked for many large institutions, some major academic medical centers, but the way that government works around health care and what those health care authorities or institutions do, it’s not clear to me, but from the outside, what I’ve observed is it seems that it’s stating the obvious.

It seems that they’re looking for big solutions. And I think they’re listening to maybe business interests looking for, you know, systematic populations, usually something novel, right? And so that seems to be their first way to address this. So like for instance, this overemphasis on a new vaccine, developing vaccines and, or these novel medications.


Your question was about like, why aren’t they pushed for trials on various solutions. I don’t know why they’re looking for novel stuff when we have so much therapeutics available to us.

I’m going to say my concern is if the major, like sort of Big Pharma and governmental institutions haven’t done that, I’ll say I would ask a question. Where’s the big philanthropy, right?

There’s large philanthropic organizations that could have come in and said, you know, this seems to be a rather available novel solution, which has some efficacy. Why aren’t they coming in and funding some of these trials.


My team, my group, my colleagues, we have discovered the cure for COVID. And so there’s nothing new that’s happening right now that hasn’t, that wasn’t changed already. Dr. Marik is the first one who brought our attention to it. He put a video on his YouTube website weeks ago, months ago, and all I’ve done is worked very closely with him at amassing the data. Our manuscript needs to be reviewed by the NIH, and they need to formulate treatment recommendations, now.

NEWS HOST ➝ 00:00

The drug. Is it ivermectin? I want to make sure I get it right.


Ivermectin. And so you have to be clear on what ivermectin is. It already has won the Nobel prize in medicine for its discovery because of its global health impact. So it’s already rid the world of a number of parasitic diseases, half, a 60% of Sub-Sahara Africa take ivermectin regularly to rid themselves of the scourge of parasites.

What we discovered and what the studies show, it has phenomenal antiviral activity. It absolutely blocks the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So you don’t get sick. The virus can’t infect, can’t replicate and can’t kill you if you’re on ivermectin.

NEWS HOST ➝ 00:00

Is the drug readily, readily available, affordable? And does it come in pill form?


It’s a pill. And what’s crazy is for treatment as little as one dose is effective.


Let me talk about first that we, so as a group, it was Dr. Paul Marik, very famous doctor, you know, one of the, probably the most published intensivist in the world. So we’re, the core group of us were critical care specialists.

We work in intensive care units. You know, our predominant expertise is dealing with patients with multiple forms of, or numbers of organ failure. So we, we take care of the sickest of the sick. We’re close colleagues and friends with Dr. Marik.

And when the pandemic first started to hit the US, a couple other colleagues of ours reached out to Paul and said, listen, you know, you got to figure out how to treat this thing. And he called in his close number of colleagues, and we formed our group and we were, I don’t know how many months it’s been now, but we’ve just been reading and reading and reading and discussing.

DECEMBER 8, 2020

“If you’re taking ivermectin, you will not contract COVID-19. I repeat. If you are taking ivermectin, you will not contract COVID-19”


Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center

And we came up with, first one protocol, and now more recently, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today, a more recent protocol. But our first one that we first got a lot of attention to. It was called the MATH+ protocol, and that’s for hospitalized patients.

And that’s really where our expertise lies is how to treat the very ill patients whose lungs are starting to fail in the hospital.

And the MATH is, stands for the first main components, which is methylprednisolone, intravenous ascorbic acid, thymine, and heparin.

We’re aggressive with our anticoagulation. We’re aggressive with our anti-inflammation with the methylprednisolone, as well as the ascorbic acid.

And then for the organ support the thymine. We also would call it the MATH+ cause we have a number of other elements and that protocol has been adopted in varying amounts throughout the world.

We’re in contact with many different physicians in many countries who found that they’ve used it to very good effect. When we came out with it, which was around April, I just wrote a review paper, it’s about to be published in a week.

We have now numbers and numbers of trials, which have validated each component. And so like, we’re, we’re very sort of proud that we put that out there.

I mean, it’s not standard of care, none of the big institutions or healthcare societies adopted it. But it’s validated and it’s really therapeutic and impactful.

The hospitals in which we’ve measured the outcomes – far lower than any other published data that we’ve seen. And so, that’s the MATH+ protocol. The I-MASK+ protocolis the one that we came to recently.

And that was really centered around the fact that we discovered the rapidly emerging cumulating evidence on ivermectin, which is so consistent, reproducible, and profound, and its efficacy at multiple phases of the disease.

We decided to build a new protocol. We call that the I-MASK protocol and that’s centered around ivermectin, and obviously MASK with some other supportive medicines like vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, which we know can be effective in optimizing the body before getting ill.


Dr. Marik noticed when he was looking at, you know, what’s out there on ivermectin, this is maybe three, four weeks ago. We started to see some studies being posted on There were some mentions on trial site news of a couple of studies on preprint servers and seemed like everywhere he looked. And this is early on because we found lots of stuff since three or four weeks ago. I mean this, the ivermectin data is accumulating rapidly, but he first had sort of an aha moment, maybe three or four weeks ago, just on like three or four trials, which were lining up as prophylaxis and early treatment.

And he said to us, I think this is going to be an effective therapy. We listened. And then we started to look and as a group, we just started reviewing, reviewing, reviewing the studies that are coming out and we just found more and more data. And it’s, since he first picked up on that signal, it’s done nothing but continuously accumulate, all uniformly, positive, potent and profound.


Can we just not commercialize this once? Can we take a break from current commercialization and just help humanity that’s suffering right now? And again, I hate to sound like a naïve idealistic gentleman, but really it just, it’s somewhat maddening.


Usually when you say phase three, it implies a placebo controlled trial. I want to go back to my point before about the fact that well conducted observational controlled trials and randomized control trials, generally and almost always lead to the same conclusions.

However, they have to be well-designed. You can do propensity matching on the observational side, or you can do randomization with placebo.

To do a placebo controlled trial, right now, I could never be an investigator on that because I do not have clinical equipoise.

I believe that there’s sufficient data that exists now, just needs further validation because some of it hasn’t come through peer review, but there’s enough data now to support you can do it.

The placebo controlled trial, if you know, it’s life saving, how can you enroll a patient in a pandemic and give them a placebo when you know that this is life saving from multiple studies that are available to us throughout the world, there’s studies coming, I’ve Argentina, Egypt, Bangladesh, Brazil, Peru.

We know that this stuff is working. And so again, I’m talking as a naïve doctor, I can’t imagine doing a phase three trial, at least a placebo controlled one.

What I would like is those authorities that you mentioned do an observation, a well-designed observational one [study] when we have such big data available. We have electronic health records with millions and millions of patients data, why wouldn’t we just roll out ivermectin in a series of, let’s say a thousand patients just taking it and then find propensity match, similar patients, identical by name, age, race, sex, comorbidities.

And then you can compare the two. That is a totally valid research design, and you don’t have to use a placebo. And I’m going to tell you, unlike hydroxychloroquine, the signal would be loud, the benefits would be large and unmistakable.


So we just try to put out good rational, scientific sort of reasoning and insight. We’ve written a number of papers. I think it’s been the most productive period of my life. I know I’ve published maybe four or five papers, and where we’ve reviewed the pathology of the disease.


We’ve reviewed the evidence behind the therapeutics and we’re going to continue to do so. You know, the paper that I just published on, put up on a preprint server, we think that’s the best way to disseminate good knowledge because we, it was a, it’s a scientific review of the emerging evidence behind ivermectin.

And it basically concludes based on the available evidence, it concludes that ivermectin would be a global solution to the pandemic if it was, if it underwent widespread use and distribution.

And that’s a scientific conclusion, it’s not opinion, we’re not promoting anything. We’re not making money off of anything. We have no interest, conflicts of interest, and we just want to help.

And based on our expertise and our review and interpretation of the existing evidence, that is our message that we want to put out there is that ivermectin is a profound prophylactic agent and early and late treatment agent.


Need the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA to step in. And even the WHO. I just want to mention a lot of our data in my manuscript, which is available for review by all of those agencies, also includes epidemiologic analysis by two analysts that we work with. And one in particular, Juan Chamie, he has been doing epidemiologic analysis since early on the pandemic showing in region after region, after region, that does widespread distribution of ivermectin case counts and death rates plummet. We have numerous examples of that. We know that this is effective.

SENATOR ➝ 11:32

Our next witness is here in person, Dr. Pierre Kory. Dr Kory Is the former associate professor and chief of the critical care service and medical director of the trauma and life support center at the University of Wisconsin. And recently joined the ICU service at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee.

He is board certified in critical medicine, pulmonary diseases, and internal medicine. Dr. Kory has traveled across multiple States in the US to care for COVID-19 patients throughout the pandemic. He’s also the president of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

A nonprofit organization of critical care specialists led by professor Paul Marik, whose mission over the last nine months was focused on the research and development of effective treatment protocols for COVID-19 using repurposed drugs.

He received his MD from St George’s University School of Medicine. And I’ll only add that we added Dr. Kory very late to our, I think, a hearing in May because I had heard of his development of, I guess, anti-inflammatory steroids in critical care on COVID and Dr. Kory, I have to tell you, I’ve had doctors come up to me and thank me for holding that hearing, where they listened to you, change their thinking.

They believe they’ve saved their patients’ lives because of your testimony at that hearing. I hope your testimony will be as impactful today. Dr. Kory.


Senator. Thank you. And thank you for holding this hearing. I just want to start out. I didn’t think I’d have to say this, but I want to register my offense at the ranking members opening statement. I was discredited as a politician. I am a physician and a man of science. I’ve done nothing, nothing but commit myself to scientific truth and the care of patients. And to hear that I’m here because of a political angle, I am not a politician.

I’m a physician. I want to start out by saying that I’m not speaking as an individual. I’m speaking on behalf of the organization that I’m a part of.

We are a group of some of the most highly published physicians in the world. We have near 2000 peer reviewed publications among us led by doctor, professor Paul Marik, who is our intellectual leader.

We came together early on in the pandemic, and all we have sought is to review the world’s literature on every facet of this disease, trying to develop effective protocols.

You just mentioned that I was here in May and I touted, I wouldn’t say I recommended that it was critical that we use corticosteroids in this disease. When all of the national and international healthcare organizations said, we cannot use those. That turned out to be a life saving recommendation. I am here again today with a new recommendation.

In the last nine months in our review of all of the literature as a group. Again, we are some of the most highly published physicians in our specialty and the world.

We have done nothing, but try to figure out how to identify a repurposed and available drug to treat this illness.

We have now come to the conclusion after nine months. And I have to point out, I am severely troubled by the fact that the NIH, the FDA and the CDC, I do not know of any task force that was assigned or compiled to review repurposed drugs in an attempt to treat this disease.

Everything has been about novel and/or expensive pharmaceutically engineered drugs, things like tocilizumab and remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies and vaccines.

We have hundred years of medicine development. We know we are expert in all the medicines we use, and I do not know of a task force that has been focused on repurposed drugs.

I will tell you that my group and our organization, I will say that we have filled that void.

We, that is all we have done, is focused on the things we know and things we do.

And I’m here to tell you, Dr. Writer, he just presented. It was one. He has one study of the many that I want to talk about. And I want to talk about that. We have a solution to this crisis. There is a drug that is proving to be of miraculous impact. And when I say miracle, I do not use that term lightly.

And I don’t want to be sensationalized. When I say that that is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data that has emerged in the last three months.When I am told, and I just had to hear this in the opening sentence, that we are touting things that are not FDA or NIH recommended.

DECEMBER 8, 2020

“We have a solution to this crisis. There is a drug that is proving to be of miraculous impact.

And when I say miracle, I do not use that term lightly.”


Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center

Let me be clear. The NIH, their recommendation on ivermectin, which is to not use it outside of controlled trials is from August 27th.

We are now in December. This is three to four months later. Mountains of data have emerged from all, from many centers and countries around the world, showing the miraculous effectiveness of ivermectin. It basically obliterates transmission of this virus.

If you take it, you will not get sick. I want to briefly summarize the data. My manuscript, again, published by some of the most, we have contributed more to the medical knowledge of our specialty in our careers than anyone else can claim as a group, and our manuscript, which was posted on medicine preprint server details all of this evidence.

I want to briefly summarize it. Number one, we have evidence that ivermectin is effective. Not only in prophylaxis, in the prevention. If you take it, you will not get sick.

We just came across a trial last night from Argentina by the lead investigator of ivermectin in Argentina, Dr. Hector Carvallo, they prophylaxed 800 healthcare workers, not one got sick. In the 400 that they didn’t prophylax with ivermectin. 58%, that’s 237 of those 400, got sick. If you take it, you will not get sick.

It has immense and potent antiviral activity. We know that from the first study in Monash, it has made the bench to the bedside.

Prophylaxis – we now have four large randomized control trials totaling over 1500 patients. Each trial showing that as a prophylaxis agent, it is immensely effective. You will not get sick. You will be protected from getting ill. If you take it. In early outpatient treatment, we have three randomized controlled trials and multiple observation, as well as case series.

Showing that if you take ivermectin, the need for hospitalization and death will decrease. The most profound evidence we have is in the hospitalized patients.

We have four randomized controlled trials there, multiple observation trials, all showing the same thing. You will not die, or you will die at much, much, much lower rates. Statistically significant, large magnitude results. If you take ivermectin.

It is proving to be a wonder drug. It is already won the Nobel prize in medicine in 2015 for its impacts on global health. In the eradication of parasitic diseases, it is proving to be an immensely powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent.

It is critical for its use in this disease. We, again, stand by our manuscript. It is a scientific menagerie. it’s been submitted for peer review, but please recognize peer review takes time. It takes months. We do not have months. We have a hundred thousand patients in the hospital right now dying.

I’m a lung specialist. I’m an ICU specialist. I’ve cared for more dying COVID patients than anyone can imagine. They’re dying because they can’t breathe. They can’t breathe.

They’re on high flow oxygen delivery devices. They’re on non-invasive ventilators and or they’re sedated and paralyzed and attached to mechanical ventilators that breathe for them.

And I watch them every day. They die. By the time they get me in the ICU, they’re already dying. They’re almost impossible to recover. Early treatment is key.

We need to offload the hospitals. We are tired. I can’t keep doing this.

If you look at my manuscript and if I have to go back to work next week, any further deaths are going to be needless deaths. And I cannot be traumatized by that.

I cannot keep caring for patients when I know that they could have been saved with earlier treatment and that drug that will treat them and prevent the hospitalization is ivermectin.

This is, I am here today. I’m calling to action. The NIH, their last recommendation was August 27th, August 27th. I want to be clear. I am not here as a politician or a dramatist or sensationalizing, what I’m recommending.

I’m going to be very clear and very simple. All I ask is for the NIH to review our data, that we’ve compiled of all of the emerging data. We have almost 30 studies.

Everyone is reliably and reproducibly positive showing the dramatic impacts of ivermectin. Please. I’m just asking that they review our manuscript. It is a serious manuscript by serious, highly experienced physicians and researchers.

DECEMBER 8, 2020

“I’ve cared for more dying COVID patients than anyone can imagine.”


Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center

We have, I cannot call on more credibility than we have. We’re not just a random doctor who’s saying that we have a cure. I don’t want to say I have a cure. I’m just asking review our data.

We have immense amounts of data to show that ivermectin must be implemented and implemented now.

Senator, the last thing I want to say is, you know who’s dying here. It’s our African American and Latino and elderly. It’s some of the most disadvantaged and impoverished members of our society. They are dying at higher rates than anyone else. It’s the most severe discrepancy I’ve seen in my medical career.

And we are responsible to protect those disadvantaged members. We have a special duty to provide countermeasures. The mount of evidence to show that ivermectin is life-saving and protective is so immense. And the drug is so safe. My colleagues have talked about it.

It must be instituted implemented. I’m asking the NIH to review our data.

More Resources:


‘”I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS”: Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing’, (Copyright FOX News Network LLC, December 8, 2020)

PREVENTING COVID-19: Dr. Pierre Kory Pushes for Approval of Ivermectin Treatment For Covid-19′, (Copyright FOX News Network LLC, December 8, 2020)

‘Dr. Pierre Kory Talks Covid-19, Ivermectin and the FLCCC | Podcast E43’, (Trialsite News, November 25, 2020)

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