On October 31, 2020 we will get to experience a rare blue moon event (second of 2 full moons in one month) – the moon will also be in Taurus. The Full Moon in Taurus brings us back to our instinctive nature and our relationship to the physical world around us. All Taurus wants is assurance that it has enough to survive. The Sun will be placed at 8º degrees of Scorpio, while the Moon at 8º degrees of Taurus – opposing energies that you can very well bring together and use in your favor.
A full moon always has the potential of bringing to light aspects that are hidden (occulted). It’s a great moment to dive inside yourself and face your demons.
Spiritual and/or religious values do differ from person to person of course, however this is one moment in the year when across the globe, hearts and minds align with the lunar cycle to focus on the evolution of consciousness.

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